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Day four

Well today started off pretty stressful, Kira got bored and decided to rip out some staples so i ended up having to take her back up to the vet. They told me it wasnt to bad and all they did was give her a elizabethan collar for when im not home to watch her. Kira went three days without using the bathroom so i was pretty scared about that but tonight i took her out and she went number 1 and 2 so im pretty excited about that!! 🙂

Three days later

Today i can really tell Kira is sore, her back leg keeps wanting to give out on her. I cant get her to lay down unless i sit with her, its kind of like she is having anxiety of being alone right now. 🙁 I’ve been giving her extra long massages which she absolutely loves 🙂  I just feel so bad but i know it’ll be worth it in a few days!  I started a donation page for her on a site called gofundme to hopefully help me pay for her vet bills but haven’t had much luck yet. This really stresses a person out!!

Kira’s first day home from surgery!

Well i picked Kira up from the vet today and she is doing great! She is acting a little funny from all the pain meds like walking around the room licking the walls and floors. lol I’m already ready for her to get her stitches out, i cant stand making her stay in the room all day!